Friday, December 5, 2008

Outreach to Teens

In following suit with other libraries in our region, we are considering investing in certain gaming products, such as the Nintendo Wii or Guitar Hero. Many libraries have their own equipment and either use them for rental or in-house use. We would like to set up a program for teens in which they could come and play for a designated time. We're not sure about the logistics of the whole project or what we would purchase, but the point is to provide something for teens that really interests them. We have book discussions and a teen advisory board, but that only draws in a few teens. We're trying to promote the library as not only a great place to come for books and computers, but a place just to hang out. We'll see how the effort goes!

Genealogy Resources

The Scott County Library deals a lot with people conducting genealogy research. We have a room with many local resources on genealogy, but we also provide a great way for people to search our databases. We subscribe to which can only be accessed in the library and we also subscribe to Heritage Quest. The latter is the one used most frequently and it contains all sorts of census data, military records, and family records. It is a great resource that makes the process of genealogy a lot more convenient. Of course, many of the records that people need to complete their family trees are still in hard copy only. But it's a great start and a way to get quick results.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The Scott County Library deals with a lot of fiction readers, so we have invested in some convenient reading tools. Our audio books have always been popular, so we decided to subscribe to a company called Overdrive to supply us with downloadable audio books. You must be a library card holder to access this service, but it allows you to actually "check out" books into your downloadable account. It stores the books on your hard drive and allegedly deletes them after the check-out period is over. We're still not sure if that works 100% of the time! But after it's downloaded to your computer, you can transfer it to an MP3 player and listen to it that way. Interesting innovation!


The library is taking advantage of another great service called Learn-A-Test. It is basically a database that has access to all sorts of practice tests for students. The tests include the basics such as the ACT, SAT, and GED. But the site also offers more specialized tests such as the Police Officer's Exam, Nursing School Entrance Exam, and the Citizenship Exam. These are practice tests that are exactly like the real exams. They are timed and they will give you your results. This is a great feature that we offer because it provides a service that we don't always have in book form. Our library is not large enough to update our collection with the latest versions of all of these specific tests. That is why this is a great opportunity to take advantage of this technology.